Monday, October 24, 2011

Long run and my order!

All - the mythical GWs are online now in Black! Not my thing, but I know many lulu lovers are fiending for them!

Saturday I did my first long since the full marathon - an easy, slow, 10 miles in 2:03. I have been having some shoe/blister issues and ending up somehow bruising the bottom on my arch wearing 2 year old shoes that I thought would feel good. Tonight's plan includes running shoe shopping!

I did make an order Friday because I was so afraid of my black swan cross my heart selling out. Here's what I got:

Scuba hoodie in muted mauve microstripe, on sale

All sports shorts in dew berry/heathered dewberry. I keep hearing such good things about these shorts that I decided to try a pair. I struggle with "shorts crawl" while running, but I've heard these are awesome.

The Black Swan cross-my-heart

I almost got a Define, but changed my mind. I haven't tried one on in person, and it looks like its too cropped to be flattering.

What is your favorite jacket?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Weekly Work out Review

nothing yet! Still thinking about maybe a Define or the print scuba, but can't make up my mind yet. They did move tons of stuff to loot last night,too - lots of 2s and 4s if those are your sizes!

I'm going to use Friday as a work-out recap for the week. Here we go:

Saturday: still not running, gave myself a whole week off after the marathon. Did 25 minutes on the elliptical, lifted biceps, triceps, and calves, and did 40 crunches
Sunday: Lifted chest and back; 1-hour hot fusion yoga class
Monday: Lifted biceps, triceps, and shoulders; ran 4 miles
Tuesday: Ran 2 miles at 5k race pace; lifted legs; did crunches and core work
Wednesday: Lifted shoulders, chest, and back; did 5 minutes of planks; biked 6 miles, ran 2, and swam for 20 minutes
Thursday: ran 4 miles, did crossfit WOD with a cross-fit junkie friend
Friday: rest day!

How did your weekly workouts go?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Upload Thursday Recap

I am so disappointed in today's upload! I have been awaiting the active strength tank for two weeks, and was just sure we'd see it today! I'm a full three hours from a store, so Upload Day is a big deal for me. No luck, though. The new Cuddle Ups, Dark Swan Camo Scuba, the new Defines, and several pairs of pants did show up though. Here's what I'm thinking about:

A cross my heart bra in Black Swan. Looks like it would be reasonably supportive and I love the strap pattern.

A Cuddle-Up in Black Swan. I am kind of obessed with this color - love the deep purple. The only thing that I am not sure of is how tall the neck of the Cuddle Up might be.

While I like the camo black swan scuba, there is no way I could make it work-appropriate, which brings me to this: the dip die black swan and black scuba. My only reservation is that I have the black scuba with the pleated tape, which may look too close to this one.

What are your upload day purchases?

Sunday, October 16, 2011


This is my own little corner of the blog world, where I will be chronicling my adventures in distance running, weight loss, and an Lululemon obsession! I work in Human Resources, am happily married and the mother of two doggies. I have been running since September 2009, and have completed one full marathon - Chicago in 2011 (last Sunday!), 7 halfs, 1 10k, and 30+ 5ks. I also do hot yoga, and am getting into weight lifting. Even with that all that activity, I still struggle with my weight, and am starting this blog as a way to keep myself motivated. Thanks for joining me!

- S